- j.ginges [at] uq.edu.au
- b.roberts [at] uq.edu.au
- ORCiD: orcid.org/0000-0002-0345-6375
- arXiv profile (all papers, free downloads): arxiv.org/a/roberts_b_1
- UQ researcher page
- GitHub: github.com/benroberts999
- Home page: roberts999.com

Dr Ginges is an ARC Future Fellow in the School of Mathematics and Physics at UQ. Her research is directed towards atomic tests of fundamental physics. Dr Ginges’ research involves development of high-precision many-body methods for heavy atoms. Her areas of expertise include high-precision studies of fundamental symmetries violations (parity, time). Atomic parity violation studies provide some of the tightest constraints on possible new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics, complementing searches for new physics at the LHC and dark matter searches. Studies of parity- and time-reversal-violating atomic electric dipole moments tightly constrain possible new sources of CP-violation appearing in theories beyond the standard model such as supersymmetry.
Ben Roberts, ARC DECRA Fellow

Working in theoretical atomic physics and particle astrophysics. My research focusses on high-precision atomic structure calculations, and how atomic processes can be used for testing fundamental theories, probing for physics beyond the standard model, and searching for dark matter.