Recent conferences & presentations

Search for a variation of the fine-structure constant around the supermassive Black Hole in our Galactic Centre, ASA (Astronomical Society of Australia) Annual Science Meeting; University of Melbourne, Australia (held virtually). — July 2021

Search for a variation of the fine-structure constant around the supermassive Black Hole in our Galactic Center, DAMOP; Portland Oregon (held virtually). — June 2020

Electron-interacting dark matter: prospects for liquid Xe detectors and NaI detectors, DAMOP; Portland Oregon (held virtually). — June 2020

Searching for dark matter signatures in 20 years of GPS atomic clock data, CHEP 2019, 24th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics; Adelaide, Australia. — November 2019

Dark matter signatures in EDM and precision physics experiments (Invited), Frontiers in Quantum Matter Workshop: Electric Dipole Moments; ANU, Canberra. — November 2019

Searching for dark matter and exotic physics with space and ground-based atomic clocks (Invited), 7th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS; ESA (European Space Agency), ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland. — September 2019